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Ви можете увійти на сайт, якщо ви зареєстровані на одному з цих сервісів:

Certis Belchim

Belchim Crop Protection, a Belgian player in the European crop protection market. From its origin in Belgium in 1987 to its position as a major European player in the crop protection industry today, Belchim Crop Protection has shown remarkable growth in those 31 years. As a company and an innovative product supplier, it has adapted well to the changes in the industry and the changing regulatory environment. Late Managing Director Dirk Putteman founded his own crop protection business, Belchim, in 1987. By the late 1990s, he sought and found a strategic partnership with ISK Biosciences, and established an international research and development company. This alliance allowed not only a more specialized product portfolio, but also further expansion into Europe. Alongside an innovative product portfolio, credibility and reputation are strong assets of Belchim Crop Protection; and above all, the ability to market a product from a strong introduction to a good market coverage in a short time.
more details: https://belchim.ua/

Sumitomo Corporation

With its global network and based on trust from companies in various industries and from consumers, Sumitomo Corporation engages in multifaceted business activities by making the most of its Integrated Corporate Strength. These business activities include sales of a variety of products and services, import and export, trilateral trade, and domestic and international business investment.
more details: https://www.sumitomocorp.com


We utilize the most cutting edge analytical methods, equipment and chemical technologies to increase the reliability and safety or our customers installations all while reducing costs, improving safety, and reducing environmental impact. Our technical support experts are sought after worldwide in steam cycle chemistry conferences and meetings.
more details: http://www.globalchemwater.com/


The center of activities for Unifer International GmbH is in Germany and the key markets of Central/Eastern Europe, among them Ukraine, Russian Federation, Republic of Moldova and other countries of the C.I.S.

Should you live and work in another country and wish to learn more about the products and technologies offered by Unifer, do not hesitate to contact us. With pleasure we’ll transmit your request to a partner company in your country or a nearby region!


OMEX is a dynamic group of companies operating throughout the world, specialising in complex liquid formulations for use in industries, ranging from agriculture to energy. OMEX develop, manufacture and supply suspension fertilisers, solution fertilisers and foliar liquid fertilisers, micronutrients for biogas plants, wastewater treatment solutions and deicers.


Térvalis Group - це ділова група, яка розпочала свою подорож у Теруелі в 1986 році, і з тих пір вона дивилася в майбутнє, маючи на меті провідні сектори, в яких вона здійснює свою діяльність в Іспанії, і збільшити свою міжнародну присутність, не відмовляючись від своєї ідентичності, пристрасть до того, що вона робить, і відданість.

GMG Global Market Group

Mitsui Group

Mitsui Group — це одна з найбільших та найвпливовіших корпоративних груп у світі, що має багаторічну історію. Заснована в Японії у XVII столітті, Mitsui Group розвивалася, перетворившись на глобальну мережу компаній, що працюють у таких галузях, як фінанси, енергетика, виробництво, логістика, хімічна промисловість та IT. Mitsui відома своєю відданістю інноваціям, сталому розвитку та соціальній відповідальності, будучи ключовим партнером для бізнесу у багатьох країнах світу.